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Some cute Y2k online stores that have cute pants!!

Posted by Adriana


Forum: Fashion, Style, Shopping

Im tired of finding cute pants on depop and them being used stained pants for $80*cry* (dk if im doing this right lol)

i think i did it right

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Reply by arlo atomickk


ebay is always a great place to look... also if you're spending 80 dollars on pants from depop u are doing it wrong!!! Don't get scammed by mfers who buy thrifted stuff for like 5 bucks and resell them for a million dollars.. always go for the cheapest option and don't limit yourself to searches such as 'y2k', cuz the cheapest items will come from those who don't understand the value of the items they are selling!!

Try key words like low-waisted, flares, baggy, maybe even some brands.

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