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Wanting to start riding

Posted by Velvet


Forum: Automotive

So I want to start riding a motorcycle, but I don't know how to go about it. I've been through a safety course and passed the written (got close to passing the riding portion, but a dude messed up in front of me and caused us both to fail), so I have some riding experience with the course, but that was a few years ago and I haven't been on a bike since. Looking for advice on what I should do. I was considering buying the bike and practicing where I could before taking an online written and finding a course at my local DMV to do the driving portion, but I'm not sure about that, I've also considered doing another safety course, but I don't want a repeat of last time with a different guy. Any serious input is appreciated

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Reply by Mvrky.mp4


With any skill, practice makes perfect. When I bought my first manual car I didn't know how to drive manual but I basically threw myself into the water and made myself learn. I feel like you should buy a bike and on days where you aren't busy, take it out and drive around and get a feel on how it is. 

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Reply by Jota


how did it go? did you do it?

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Reply by Owen


Buy a smaller CC beater bike in his mechanical condition. Spend time in a big parking lot practicing from basic maneuverability on up following tons of YouTube tutorials. When you're comfortable with figure 8's start stop turning etc practice emergency braking and swerving repeatedly until it's super comfortable. 

Then you're ready to watch some videos on street riding with key areas being treat every driveway and street as alum uncontrolled intersection where the car can and will pull out in front of you. Learn to look as far ahead as possible especially in turns. Keep a safety bubble or distance around you by maintaining distance from other cars. There's so much more but these basic steps will get you started on your way to safe fun riding.

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