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How to I get images to where I want them to be at?

Posted by Mae


Forum: SpaceHey

I would like to add more images to my profile but I don't want them
all on the left side of the screen. Is there a way to specify where
images go? Maybe a way to get them to the right side or the middle instead?

Also is there a way to make images appear outside of the
text boxes? I've seen some people with little graphics in the corners of their profile background but maybe they just made those part of their background image or something?

I'm still pretty new to all of this so any help would be

Thank you for reading

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3 Replies

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Reply by claude pie


I have this exact question and can't find anything about it :(

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Reply by arlo atomickk


For floating images: heres a blog i made on it.

For changing the alignment of images


text-align: center !important




text-align: right !important


You just replace the '.element' with the element where your text is or use 'main p{' if you want all the text on your profile center aligned

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Reply by angeLfluff⋆⋆⋆⋆


yeah i am also researching how to snap pictures to the right 

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