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Exs who wanted to stay friends with their ex partner, why?

Just what the subject is. If you had a relationship with someone end and wanted to stay friends, why?

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Reply by Ronnie :3


sometiems two people can be great together in a nonromantic way, and sometimes they dont realize that until they get into a romantic relationship. personally, as a person whos still kept in touch and still close friends with all my exes, i do it because i just feel like its a waste to throw away that relationship i had with them yk? not that im trying to salvage relationships, i just think that if our relationship doesnt work out romantically, then maybe its just better off if we were just friends? all of my exes were people who i were friends with first so yeah ik when to still keep in touch and be friends

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Reply by beau


at least for me, most of my relationships ended due to growing apart we would talk less. After a break up there would be that awkward bit of time where we wouldn't interact at all but once that was over we would start talking again as friends. as of now, i consider some of my exes friends but we dont talk much. sometimes it just doesn't work out romantically but there was something that first drew two people together if that makes sense. it also really depends on the circumstances of the break up and the relationship

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