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2000s clothes 4 guys?


i was wondering if anyone knew some 2ooos fashion for guys/where to get them? most of the stuff i see is for women, and the guy ones i have seen are really boring, like just baggy jeans or something. not dissing that,, but im looking for sumthin more...flashy?

any help is appreciated :3

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Reply by Murderer_Type777


Hey, you can find some at trift stores but try on aliexpress, really cheap, check the pictures on the comment before buying ! Idk what kind of fashion you like, you should check pinterest (mine is n3kokawaii too), a lot of inspo is on, mostly it was baggy stuff, cool high shoes, etc

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Reply by Murderer_Type777


Hey, you can find some at trift stores but try on aliexpress, really cheap, check the pictures on the comment before buying ! Idk what kind of fashion you like, you should check pinterest (mine is n3kokawaii too), a lot of inspo is on, mostly it was baggy stuff, cool high shoes, etc

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