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Can anybody else see,feel,and hear things?

Hey! so recently when I started being spiritual again, I could start seeing, hearing, and feeling more than I could before. however when I say see,hear,and feel I mean spirits,not like physically almost if that makes sense. like,i started hearing people knocking on doors with nobody there,i see figures,and I feel people touching my hair constantly but again with nobody there. I wonder if other people are the same or not but please feel welcome to share your experience.

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Reply by Ginny M. Jones


These things have been such a constant throughout my life, and the lives of my ancestors, that I never questioned it. I did, however, question those who have no perception of the worlds and dimensions that co-exist with us in this reality. It was mind blowing to me as I just assumed everyone could because even the bible speaks about other dimensions and such that are "at hand", meaning right here, but which we can't see. They're on the other side of a veil, or veiled as in hidden to us. Some can see through those veils or perceive them through one or more of our senses. 

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