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no bc

Posted by xanny^_^


Forum: Life

i was so happy like 5 mins ago until i started talking 2 ppl ik.. ugh every1 ik aggravates me sm lately its act tearing me apart n i need space form them but jits not like i can get that space bc litry every1 depends on mne 4 absolutely jo reason like get a life pls LOL its sad bc im suffocatign n my mental health ahas gone 2 complete shit over how much im drowning in their dependance 

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Reply by arlo atomickk


Surrounding yourself with dependant people is possibly the worst thing you could do for yourself! Especially at such a young age, bearing the responsibility of another person's wellbeing is insanely anxiety-inducing.

Remember that another person's mental health is not your responsibility no matter what they tell you. If they are making it your issue they are being extremely manipulative and ARE NOT a worthwhile friend, especially if they can't take into consideration your own mental health.

I beg you not to let your life be controlled by these kinds of people; set healthy boundaries and don't fall for their emotional manipulation.

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