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One of my paranormal stories!

Ok so first a little description of where this happend: i have a bigger living room and like in the corner theres a narrow hallway there are 3 doors the one in the middle is the bathroom on the left my room and on the right my lil bros room if you opend my door you could see strsight to my brothers room if you sat in my bed in a way like you just woke up you could see the door too

This happened in i think 2020-2021 when my best friends dog died :(. She was at my house for a sleepover because she was really sad. We watched shrek a bit and she went to sleep but i wanted to read a bit of a book before i went to bed too. She was feeling kinda sick so we left the bathroom door open, and i think my brother was sleeping with my parents so his door was closed. When i finished reading i felt something wierd idk what, i could just put the book next to my window and go to sleep but i turned around and in the hallway there was this like idk glowing orb of some sort and it was moving it looked kinda like a reflection of some water  but there wasnt any in the hallway. So i just looked at it a bit and turned off the lights and went to sleep. Tbh it was not sooo scary but my mom was scared when i told her

Thats the endd sory that its so long

You guys know what that could be? 

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Reply by Theophanu


prob a spirit orb, they get picked up in cameras all the time, and are attracted to strong emotions, so it was most likely drawn to your grieving friend, mostly harmless but can get annoying if they congruate

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Reply by SAMMY


Like the one person said, prob a spirit orb. (Btw i love your pfp <3)

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Reply by Officerbaconfarts


Cool story. Do you know anything about the history of your house? Is it old? 

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Reply by tartWhizkid


to Officerbaconfarts;

yeah the house is pretty old i think it was built a bit before ww1

it also had this basement but it was bricked up before we bought the house , but only the entrance was sealed so idk maybe there were some things in there

most of the ghots things are in the yard or in the bedrooms tho

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