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What are some useful Websites you use as a resource or tool?

Posted by The Vampyre Vee


Forum: Pagans and Wiccans of Spacehey Group

Recently I learned of a really cool and handy website called

type in your magickal phrase or intention-fueled sentence, and it
generates a custom sigil for you on the spot. try it out and see if it

Also if you are looking for Free Books on Magick, the Occult, Esotericism, or Witchcraft?
There is a great website called: https://darkbooks.org/
they feature over 2100 free books for you.

If you ever wondered why Witches featured ingredients like Tongues, Toes, Eyes, Tails, etc. Here is a website that cracks the code for you. Its a system of identifying or naming plants: https://denvergardeners.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/whats-in-the-cauldron-the-meanings-of-plant-names/

that might be fun to use in your grimoires or cookbooks haha

So what are some Sites you found to be very useful to you and your coven?

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Reply by xX_N1ghtm4r3_P01s0n_Xx


I love using this site; https://magickalspot.com/witchipedia/

This sight is more useful for learning the Tarot cards; https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/

I don't know if I'd be able to share an invite link, but I am part of a BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and Neurodivergent ran Discord server called The Northern Lights and I find they are really fucking helpful. Super chill, very friendly, have lots of interesting discussions and will actively share information about other faiths (the server is primarily Norse based but there's also Celtic Pagans, Hellenic Pagans, Kemetic Pagans and followers of Asian, African, African-American, South American etc beliefs). If you can find the server, I highly recommend joining.

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Reply by Iman <3


I think you'll find this website really useful: Pinecone Pub

You enter your intent for spellwork (ex. prosperity) and it gives you all the materials corresponding to that intent. You can also use it as a spellbook and save your spells on the website.

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Reply by Juan


Not my type of paganism but most of you who are into Odinism (I'm not) should check out this link.

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Reply by Nanda


Sorry I hope i'm not bothering anyone by reviving this thread, but since its in the top posts i'd love to share a resource i use all the time: Qlickable Qabalah lets you click on the spheres and paths on the tree of life, look at a LOT of correspondences to the selected part, and also gives you the matching tarot cards with their description. Its mainly based on Crowley's book of thoth and 777, but i do know it supports the Rider Waite deck as well. I use it a lot when doing tarot readings and its been really helpful to map out the qabalah in my head

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Reply by Hera Calloway


This is specifically for Gaulish Paganism but my amazing friends on Tumblr gave me this resource and it's so great!!


super duper recommend it <3

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Reply by Kodeb8


https://sacred-texts.com/ and http://thelemapedia.org/index.php/Main_Page are two good ones! 
Also, the internet archive has a ton of grimoires you can read for free. 
And lastly, library genesis, it's a website where you can download books for free, including grimoires. I'm not gonna link it though since it is in a legal gray area, you'll have to find the link yourself!

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