« SpaceHey Forum

Public SpaceHey server!

Posted by virtueisdead


Forum: SpaceHey

heyooo! I have decided to post a public invite to my SpaceHey Revolt server!

If you arent aware, Revolt is a from-the-ground up FOSS remake of the OG Discord concept! Even if Discord is so ethically problematic, I think we all deserve a space to hang out with each other and chat!

Join the server here, or check out the main Revolt website here if you wanna learn what they're all about!

Please be aware that the server is not for everyone on this site; bigotry is not allowed.

As much as it sucks, there are a lot of trolls and hatemongers on this site, and while I know I cant supress the childish desire to join a server you dont care about only to say something provocative before swiftly being banned, I can at least kindly request you consider doing so elsewhere.

SpaceHey is a platform that embodies and encourages self expression, so please have a heart and respect our desire to express ourselves in peace!

Happy chatting!

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3 Replies

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Reply by Red


Never heard of Revolt before and I'm glad I found out about it here because discord seems to become less useable by the day. The only reason I'm not already pushing everyone I know to switch to revolt is because I can't tell if it offers something like the discord bots pluralkit or tupperbox, where you can post under multiple profiles from the same account. Would you happen to know OP?

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Reply by virtueisdead


In reply to Red:

It has a much better way of doing it than discord called "Masquerade", but I don't think the client is able to make full use of the feature just yet. They're currently remaking the client, and the new one will probably be able to natively allow masquerade use. I'm not sure if there's a bot that enables use as of right now, but I'll ask around and if not, I'll probably try to make one.

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Reply by Red



Good to know! Thanks for your reply. I will probably take a look at the client myself soon. I'd like to know what you find out about the masquerade feature if you wouldn't mind messaging me once you've done some looking.

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