so i posted something before and called it "my cultural horror story" and i said i will continue so this is the second part with a new name . and i will keep it with same title from now on ... so there it is
story 2 :
so in saudi arabia we follow the islamic rules ,and we in islam believe in the existence of paranormal creatures , and one of them is the jinn and they are one of the demons that follow satan , just one of many ( i can talk about the other demons if you guys want ) and one of the most known type of jinn is " the qarin " and this is what im going to talk about today :
the qarin is a type of jinn that born with you and was send by god for the seek of encouraging you to do bad stuff by playing with your mind and every human have one , also the word qarin is actually another meaning of a friend or a follower , so here is some facts about the qarin :
-they only die or leave you when you when you die .
-they are always with you they never leave you alone ( yes the bathroom too).
-people say they look exactly like their owner not even one different.
-he is the strongest demon so if he was in a fight with another kind of jinn he will probably kill him in a second , so wizards actually sometimes use them as defense , but they probably also should be careful to not get them angry ... ( and yes we believe on wizards and magic and have them ) .
-no one can kill them but people say if this happens then the owner will also die .
-people say that they hug when you cry at night , but i would say that is a little untrue .
- they can control their owner dreams .
-people say when you fight someone and they hurt you and the next day this person get hurt that mean that this is revenge from your qarin :)
-he dosent sleep so he is probably just wondering around the room while you are asleep .
so there is more but i guess this is enough , now about the theory :
it say that people sometimes hear noises that encourage them to do bad things like killing and other stuff , we can say that they are crazy or delusional , but what if some of them where not crazy? maybe the voices are real but its not their mind its the qarin ? i mean we really know nothing about them but they know everything about us including our weaknesses and bad memories and they can and will definitely use it to make you listen to them ... many people have said that the voices they heard where gone by reading the quran ( the islam book ) , and in islam reading the quran is a way to keep the jinn away , so maybe by reading it they keep their qarin away from talking to them ? is that is thought ? maybe we are not crazy for hearing the noises but we where for obeying the voices ! maybe we are just talking to our copy of jinn and not the wall , maybe we are not looking to our self at the mirror maybe it its your qatin ! what if it wasnt your friend that you talking with maybe it is their qarin that why they dont remember your story ? or is it your mom who called you from the other room or was it her qarin ? maybe both ... we can never know but we can only feel it ...
that all for this story i hope you like it , if you are interested in anything about jinn or the qarin you can ask me , also give me your opinion about what i said . see you next time ...