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Albums you desperately wanna buy but can’t

Posted by tay !!


Forum: Music

Just wondering if anyone has had similar-ish issues. 

Ive recently been getting into Jack Off Jill, and Ive never been so eager to buy an album in my life than I was when I listened to Clear Hearts Grey Flowers. But this album is like £30 at LEAST, and I can’t even find any listings on most sites (their only other album goes for ~£5 for reference). And its fuckin killing me!! I can’t pay that!! I can’t justify that price to myself!!! 

So uh. Anyone else having trouble finding what they want 

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Reply by arlo atomickk


The Unwound 'Fake Train' vinyl - no matter where i look its just insanely expensive !

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Reply by quinn


in 2015 vulfpeck put out this gorgeous white vinyl pressing of thrill of the arts but to buy them secondhand now is like $200 at least orz. my literal white whale

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