so i live in saudi arabia in the middle east and there we have some popular horror stories that been told by people for years . and i have been interested in them since i was a child so i thought it will be cool to discuss it with people all around the world !
give me your opinion and though about it ! oh and tell me if you got scared that will be cool to know haha
*also don,t be shy yo tell me your own culture known horror stories!
first story :
so one of the most known stories that made people freak out was a story of a creature called "namnam""النمنم"
this story have a lot to be said about it since people suspected that it existed since hundreds of years but the time this story took a serious matters is in the 40s .but let‘s first start with what is this namnam creature anyway? its a creepy looking creature . it have a possibility to take a human look but he always have an animal part in his body like ( horse feet or a tail ) he eat human of all kind didn‘t matter if you are a kid or adult or big or small he eat you the moment he see you ! his way of hunting people is by taking his human shape ( people also say he can take a shape of someone you know ) then knock in people doors . and if you opened the door you are done ... oh and he can be a female and male!
it first come out as a way to scare kids and warning them of opening doors for strangers and going out at night . so parents will say stuff like "dont get out or the namnam will get you!" and it worked a little to will since not only kids starting get scared but also parents . and there it come a big wave of horror hit people . at night the streets are dead . doors are very well locked . people talking everywhere that they have the namnam . even kids refusing to go to school because they are scared of the namnam!
but the weird thing about all that its been known for hundreds of years and yet you can still hear the same story to this days . just with a little changes to fit the needs of parents . but also not dead never .
*its never known if they are real or not
a close picture of what the namnam look like;
* idk if this is real or not however this is probably how namnam skull would look like but the animal part is much more less than that ofc ( i barely found any photos soo...)