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speaking problems

for a couple of month I speak normal

then for the next couple of months I have a stutter 

and it goes on like this its a cycle

can this be due to autism?

has any of you experienced smth like this? 

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Reply by Angel


I don't really have a stutter, but I have noticed I've been pausing in the middle of my sentences because I forgot the next words that were supposed to come out of my mouth. What's happening to you could be an autistic trait. 

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Reply by Ryen


there are comorbities with speech, and it's not definitely related to autism, but it for sure could be. Many autistic people have something called apraxia, meaning difficulty saying what they want to say. It happens to me a lot, so sometimes I'll be able to speak well, but other times I can barely force out two words. Theres also just difficulty with uncoordinated speech that can be common. 

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Reply by danniel <3


all the time. i was talking to my friend and I must of attempted to say headphones abt a billion times before I finally said it. But I can speak without a stutter *sometimes* for me it's more of anytime I speak thing there a chance ill stutter but yeah me too

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Reply by 永美


I don’t really know what to replied to people when they speak about a certain subject, even if I do understand what are they talking about it still take me sometime to figure it out what to say during conversation. This also become a problem in my school year because when I wanted to answer a question that required explanation, somehow I tend to forgot how to explain and began to panic because I think too fast and there’s too much in my head, I don’t know if this is related to autism or I just have a problem with communication and have social anxiety

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Reply by Noah


I been having the same problem is getting really annoying and is really bad rn so it might be related to autism but i don’t know 

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