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looking for friendsss (18+)

Posted by hannah mochi !!


Forum: Friends

(she/her/hers) hello! i don’t like giving out my real name, my nicknames on my profile! i’m looking for friends who are 18+ (i’m currently 20 years old.) my interests include gaming, cute aesthetics, writing, music, plushies, and a bunch more stuuuff^^ dm me if u wanna find out 

i’m kind of picky with friends, sadly.. due to bad experiences with fake people in the past.. but regardless if you think or wanna be friends with me, go right ahead (just be legally an adult in the U.S law) :>

i’m autistic and have anxiety so i do apologize for any miscommunication or anything, or if i sound rude on accident. i’m working on that sorta! 

btw i sometimes want tone indicators, especially with some forms of sarcasm and joking^^ 

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