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haunted doll??

Posted by ★Jasper★


Forum: Paranormal Stuff Group

ok so I think a doll that I have may be haunted. For context I got a doll from a charity shop last summer and when I got home, the power went out. I also ended up doing sort of a "cleanse" idk how to word it but I just sort of wanted to protect myself especially because I can get really paranoid. I ended up leaving the doll downstairs on a table while I was in my room and I could hear noises like a bottle opening, I basically went downstairs to the doll and the bottle was open but the scariest part was that when I opened the door I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I have the doll in my room now and sometimes I hear noises that the only thing I can think of it coming from is the doll. My family has also said things about unexplained things going on in the house, my mum told me that she had something (I can't remember what) on a table and she literally watched it move. Doors also move on there own and sometimes when I'm alone I can hear footsteps either upstairs or downstairs.

I'd just like to say that my experiences may not be accurate as I've had sort of a history of hallucinations but I'm quite certain these have actually happened considering what my family have said as well.

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Reply by Lazy_bug


whaaait ... why are you still keeping the doll in your room ? that is cool and all .but also a little scary right?

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Reply by ★Jasper★


ig it is kinda scary tbh but I kind of have no other place to put it

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Reply by Lazy_bug


oh . will ok just be safe :3

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Reply by JJ<3


God! I'm terrified of dolls after I got a haunted one a while back, have you gotten any bad vibes from the doll? What type of doll is it? 

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Reply by ★Jasper★


I've had sort of bad vibes from it and I also have A LOT of nightmares about it. I'm not too sure what type of doll it is I'm going to have a look though

update: I think it's a bisque doll???

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Reply by natalie


dude my friend had a similar experinece! she had a doll hanging on a hook over a chair in her basement. we found it sitting in the chair sometimes, and my friend saw what looked like a person walking around in the basement so we assumed that this was the spirit haunting the doll. one time when i was sleeping over at her place we went upstairs to get snacks and all the lights went out. when they came back on, we went back downstairs. the lights were still off in the basement and when we turned them back on the doll was sitting in the other end of the room. we were the only ones home and we were like 13 at the time so it was really scary. her sister and her mom had many experiences with that doll as well

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Reply by littlem00n


even if its a hallucination, get rid of the doll to be on the safe side! you never know what the previous owner did with it and tbh ive read loads of cases of black magic and stuff sticking with dolls forever... :( stay safe!

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