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what do yall think about tiktok????

Posted by Asbestos


Forum: General

i just kinda curious on what everyone thinks about tiktok and especially what it has done to alternative subcultures!!!

i personally dont like tiktok. i think it is shortening our attention spans and making us put on acts for people instead of living for ourselves!!!!! i like that its kind of revived old classic subcultures like emos and scenes, but also idk if they ever completely left??? and now i feel like its so hard to find normal and cool people who are into that stuff cuz they automatically assume youre a tiktok user when youre out and about Dx i kinda am interested to see how many people keep being "alt" in the next few years and who just stops cuz its not the "cool" thing anymore.

wut do you guys think??? o3o differing opinions are ok just dont be mean i wanna have an actual discussion lolz i find stuff like this interesting!!!! how is social media nd technology influencing us!!!!!!!

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10 Replies

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Reply by -filipo <3


personally i would love to hate tiktok more than i unfortunately do. as a person who can't focus for a longer time as it is already (even pre-tiktok times) it's a cool way to get entertainment without having to rewind every couple of minutes. o3o

the app is also a great source of recent updates in the world and i believe that it had a big impact on our society and education about problematic topics (not saying that other platforms didnt too! instagram is also amazing in its own way.) and helped normalize more stuff in our society! 

it has a scary algorythm, tho ;-; i turned off everything sketchy xd

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Reply by MEADOW


i feel like our humor would be ass without tiktok,, but its nice to hear actual reasons for disliking tiktok instead of "china is spying on us and trying to kill us all!!!!" yk?

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Reply by interesting creature


i absolutely hate tiktok. everyone on there is so high on themselves and faking a mental illness it seems. i do enjoy watching some tiktok cringe comps on yt tho

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Reply by yoomee :3


its annoying

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Reply by ray


I should hate it but I don’t bc it’s too entertaining. It’s bad and I’m too addicted to care lol. Also it’s one of the only places where you can dig and get accurate news about world events that isn’t sugarcoated

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Reply by Ren


tik tok is very irritating especially for alternative subcultures + styles. 

I follow grunge (90s) alternative subcultures, and all the ideas of 'fairy grunge' and such have really made grunge to be just a style, when in fact IF YOU LISTEN TO THE MUSIC of nirvana, Alice in chains, silver chair, sonic youth and so much more, you'll realise theres an ideology within it and political ideas in it e.g. no homophobia, gay rights, capitalism = bad and much more that will take me forever if I go on about it more. 

its dimmed subcultures such as PUNK, emo, trad goth and more into a style you can buy on SHEIN (im not shaming those who use shein as they cant afford/find affordable and fitting clothes btw) excessively, when it was all about DIY and creativity to represent the individual and their beliefs. 

overall, tik tok is just a sh*t show, if im being honest, the amount of discourse and stuff that happens...its exhausting and painful to see. I just go on there for Star Wars and resident evil...but even those communities can be a major eye roll.

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I can't use shortform video because I end up in a scrolling loop. I have youtube and use youtube shorts, and wish there was a way to disable youtube shorts because of this.

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Reply by flunita ☆ヽ(´▽`)/


I think tiktok can b rlly fun, but the people on there are super toxic in my experience, esp to queer and disabled ppl! i had 2 delete the app cuz people were always tryna start arguments with me about my OSDD, even in comment sections of unrelated videos!

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Reply by homestar


the users are INSUFFERABLE but i guess its nice if im bored . plus we need a place to contain those types of people so tiktok is best to keep them in

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Reply by Shepsy


Many users enjoy TikTok for its short-form videos, creative content, and the platform's algorithm that helps discover new and entertaining content. TikTok has become a popular outlet for self-expression, creativity, and entertainment, particularly among younger audiences.

However, opinions on TikTok also include concerns about privacy, data security, and the potential for the spread of misinformation. Some governments have raised national security concerns related to the app, leading to bans or attempted bans in certain regions.

To use a TikTok money calculator, enter your follower count, engagement rate, and niche. The tool estimates potential earnings based on these metrics, aiding creators in understanding their earning potential on the platform.


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