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Flowers YOU like

Tell me about your favorite flowers!

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Reply by apollo


OH MY RUNAS!!! I love LOVE LOVE your profile picture!! It's the vampire wife from Scary Godmother, correct? and carnations are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. 

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Reply by apollo


well, I just adore it! Really bodes well with your spacehey theme, have a fantastic rest of your day!!

..or night

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Reply by Petunia


My favourite flowers are those of hoya carnosa compacta. They aren't always grown for their flowers as they can be difficult to bloom. They're very pretty and I'd like to try to get one to flower for me one day

This may not count but I really like begonia varieties such as escargot. These cultivars are grown for their gorgeous leaves but I think that the flowers are nice as well :)

I also like periwinkles, violets and orchids to name a few. And petunias, they've contributed a lot to science and I think they're pretty. I like all plants so I feel any answer to this question is a good one

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Reply by apollo


Wow! I looked up some of them and you're right, they're so pretty oh my gosh!!

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Reply by Xx1foxy.grandmaxX


ahhh! how does anyone choose!? ig maybe pansies or dracula orchids or tulips? nothing in particular about any of them, they’re all just so precious

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Reply by apollo


OOOOH!! Pansies! That's a good one.

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My favorites are daisies, white tulips, and yellow roses! They're all very pretty to me and all hold different types of dearness to me! :]

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