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Ppl w high maintenance styles who get dressed every day WHATS UR S3CR3T

okay I know there's not really a secret and it's just raw commitment, but like, sometimes I don't have the motivation to get dressed every day even if it makes me happier, I deal w time anxiety and it takes at least an hour to get fully dressed up 4 me, if anyone has advice on motivating urself to just do it i'd luv 2 hear it 

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Reply by cayden....


see heres the thing, im known for dressing up in my goth clothes everyday, cant let my fans down xx LOL but fr idk i am so nervous to dress up all "normal" one day and shock people. also it makes me feel fancy and good when i dress up

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Reply by Ed3n_Unde4d


listen to music while you get ready! 

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Reply by Asbestos


one of the things that really helped me is to pick out my outfit the night before!!! usually i just do clothes but you can also do alll your accessories and stuff like that. or at the very least i pick what shirt or whatever i wanna wear and then think about what stuff will go with it so i have an idea in the morning. accessories also really transform an outfit so picking even a basic t-shirt and jeans can look super cool with the right stuff on!!! if you straighten your hair, plug it in and get it warming up while you get dressed then its ready when youre done!!! other than that i kinda just got into a routine with it. i wake up knowing ill have enough time to get everything done that i need to and will do it in the same order every morning (dressed > accessories > quick makeup > hair > shoes)

good luck!! and most important; its ok if you dont dress up every single day :3 youre not defined by what you look like!!!! sometimes its ok to just be comfy!!!!!!

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