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Online/Offline problems, help :(

My biggest problem is that spacehey always has me as online, even when i'm logged out everywhere.  i have a custom online icon, so i'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.  i tried adding a code for a custom offline icon, but it doesn't work, even when i manually hide my online status.  i'm clueless at css, so i basically went into my layout code, found the code for the custom online icon, changed .online to .offline, wrapped it in style and nothing.  can someone help??

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Reply by jing yi


pretty sure there isnt an offline icon! it just says how long u have been offline. u might show up as being online bc of server issues for that part of spacehey, resulting in inaccuracies. u dont rlly need to stress it as spacehey isnt rlly built for convenience. it is built after a website thats about 2 decades old by now! if u want to u can put ur socials somewhere for ease of access for others.

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