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Chinese Gutter Oil

Posted by Lamp


Forum: Obscure Group

Chinese Gutter Oil

Well as it stands the 2 posts in the group are both on the darker side of things, so instead of following up my rorochan_1999 write-up with something equally as macabre, I will instead tell you guys about Chinese gutter oil.

China is the most populous country in the world, but because of its isolationist internet, western audiences often don't get to learn about the many obscure practices found there. 

In China there is a large portion of its population that live in severe poverty, so much so that cooking oil is out of their reach, so to remedy this, they went to the sewers. The practice basically involves a group of people opening a sewer and scooping out the raw sewage, then filtering whatever oil is in the waste to then cook with it.

It is estimated that 1/10th of the cooking oil used in China is in fact this recycled sewer oil

This is obviously not indicative of China as a whole, but considering that 10% of the oil used comes from these cesspools, I figured it was worth mentioning.

There was not too much I can find from primary Chinese sources about this, because I mean who wants to air out their dirty laundry, but below I will link some videos of this practice being caught on video.

The making of "gutter oil": https://youtu.be/zrv78nG9R04

Sewer cooking oil in China: https://youtu.be/JpDTh5FWAbw

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That is actually so sad. Imagine having to cook with filtered sewage

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Gutter oil is the tip of the iceberg. Their food export gets a lot of slack from groups like the FDA because they do a lot of unsafe things out of poverty. There's a very small amount of meats that the US is allowed to import because of this. Look into the situation with baby formula (tldr they import a lot from Australia). Just.... wild stuff. I feel insanely bad for the people living (and subsequently eating) there.

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