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What are your favorite aircrafts?

Posted by Red Broski


Forum: Aviation Group

What's your favorite aircraft, and why?

For me, it's hard to pick, but I just love how sleek and futuristic the B-2 Spirit looks. 

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Reply by aloha


i really really really really like the McDonnell Douglas DC-10.

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Reply by Red Broski


Ohhh! That one is nice. It does look cool. I swear it looks exactly like the MD-11, and those are always flying around here. They look really cool with that big engine on the tail. Have you ever seen a DC-10 up close on the ground?

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Reply by aloha


There are some key differences, namely the MD-11 is longer, has winglets, and has a shorter vertical stabilizer. I went on a KLM MD-11 when they used to fly to TNCM here, and I got to go on a USAF KC-10 and RNLAF KDC-10. Also the cockpit between the DC-10 and MD-11 is well... :)

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Reply by Red Broski


Whaaaaaaat, you got to ride in a KC-10!? That is so cool! Were you in the service? What was it like? 

I talked to someone in the Air Force who rode in a C-130, and he said it was really bumpy and he didn't like it. Haha. But those things look so cool. 

Also, I think it's pretty awesome that you got to see the cockpits of those two planes. I've only seen the cockpits of Cessnas, the R-22 helicopter, and the F-1 Gnat (cute lil fighter jet I got to sit in)

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Reply by aloha


I was a part of the Dutch navy for a brief few months when I turned 18 due to some laws regarding conscription in the Dutch Caribbean. Part of that meant I got to go around and do fun stuff.

KC-10 pic 1

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Reply by Red Broski


THAT IS SIIIIICCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so so cool!!! I can't imagine how awesome that was. Did you pilot or co-pilot, or were you a part of the flight crew?

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Reply by aloha


Just in the jumpseat, lol. I'll try to see if I can find any of my other photos..

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Reply by Red Broski


I. Am. Salivating. This is so cool!!!! One hell of a plane, one hell of an experience. Whoa, look at all those buttons... But why only 3 months? Did they let you go, or, did something bad happen?

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Reply by aloha


Conscription length is only 9 months here, so that's why.

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Reply by Red Broski


Ahh I see. Well, it's cool that you got to have those experiences! Also - who is the person standing in front of the plane in one of the images you posted? 

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Reply by aloha


The crew chief of that KC-10

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Reply by Rexdinosours


I like the 757 the most or the 777

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Reply by Bonnie


I really love McDonnell Douglas aircraft, like the MD-11, MD-80, 90 and so on. I also really love the Fokker 50, which I have flown on a lot, which is sadly going away far too soon.

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