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Bed ghost

For some years I kept having nightmares everytime I slept on a certain portion of the bed and I once downloaded an app that tells you if there are ghosts and in that EXACT corner it told me there was a ghost

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Reply by DROM1E


damn! that sounds really creepy. are you going to try and communicate with it or leave it alone?

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Reply by Noé


The phone app matter could have been a fluke as it's known they scam people like that very often. Do you suffer from night terrors?

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Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng


Reply by anadyomene


hm, the phone apps are often unreliable, the night terrors could very well be from your own subconscious mind. However if they're from a spirit I would recommend not trying to have a ton of communication and just banishing them.

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