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favorite/least favorite emotion sets

Posted by mika


Forum: Vent Refuge Group

i feel like i dont need to explain much just from the title but i will anyways TBH.

whats everyones favorite & least favorite vent sets? feel free to include reasons why or if you just (dis)like the color or something or if theres like a personal connection ^_^ also feel free to put more than one
i think my favorites (out of the ones i own, at least) have been candy, cupid's day, vampire, springy, and women's day... mostly just for the colors lol i don't have any special reasoning

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Reply by jack


my default has been either the emo set or the punk set with very little change for like four years now, i lov them

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Reply by Vergil


I tend to use the Gothic and Villain sets most! I love the black background sets a lot since they’re super versatile for defaults. I’m also a fan of the animal sets, especially bird day. And finally I thought the Kin emotion in User Appreciation was really funny. I don’t dislike any set but I could never match Mardi Gras with anything

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Reply by ectoBiologist


the sheep set was SO cute but i hardly got to use it ever. :'(

other than that, i was always really fond of the space sets. the 80s set was awesome, aesthetically.

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Reply by vern


my favorite was prob the disability set, it had a bunch that fit my disabilities, including invisible which was fun to use bc my un was also .invisible :) i also liked using kindness bc its nice, & relaxation + stuffed animal bc of the comfy colors. 

by farrr my least fave was punk day, the colors make it unreadble & it always kinda sucked when a mut used a default w it just.. cant read it

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