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How do you apply to a job?

H0w d0 y0u apply for a j0b? If its like a mcd0nalds d0 y0u just c0me in with a resume and say you want to w0rk there? I d0nt really get it and i am planning 0n trying t0 get 0ne s00n s0 i was s0ndering if s0me0ne c0uld explain it t0 me

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Reply by Celea Akuri


A lot of big businesses like McDonalds have online applications that they will want you to submit online. If you go through one, it will ask you biographical information: your name, your address, contact information ect. After that they usually ask about any work history. if you don't have any, don't worry. Then they'll ask for references; people that can vouch for your character, that you're punctual, hard-working that sort of thing. Ask teachers and or sports coaches if they can be your references. 

Some jobs will want a resumé too, which is all the information above on its own paper. Look up resumé examples and templates to get an idea of what yours should look like.

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Reply by Jomben


yo! I work at McDonalds as of recently and it's honestly all online stuff *AND* you go in person most of the time, 

you fill out  an online application and then you go in person, it's the same for most fast food places unless they specify they're doing on site ones which means they'll interview you there and then

fair warning you will need an ID or student ID, and a social security card for orientation if you end up getting through  ! wishing you the best of luck

(student ID's, if your school odesnt give you an actual ID card just ask your guidance counselor or equivalent for something that has at least your updated school picture on it like a transcript, they just need it for a picture incase of some freak accident happens lol)

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Reply by Jomben


heres the link for mcdonalds one, and if you're nervous about like what the first few days will be like then heres a summary of mine:

first day was all training with online stuff, videos broke so they eventually had me do present which is where you hand food out and make drinks

second day, they threw me into hot water and put me on headset which is where you take customers orders

third day, they left me on my own to try and figure the rest out

a big chunk of the time you will be just put to figuring things out on your own unfortunately but don't sweat it too much and i am sure you'll do just fine, looking up tutorials for fast food isn't as stupid as it sounds and i would have never learnt where the 10pc nuggets were on the register menu without them lol

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