H0w d0 y0u apply for a j0b? If its like a mcd0nalds d0 y0u just c0me in with a resume and say you want to w0rk there? I d0nt really get it and i am planning 0n trying t0 get 0ne s00n s0 i was s0ndering if s0me0ne c0uld explain it t0 me
H0w d0 y0u apply for a j0b? If its like a mcd0nalds d0 y0u just c0me in with a resume and say you want to w0rk there? I d0nt really get it and i am planning 0n trying t0 get 0ne s00n s0 i was s0ndering if s0me0ne c0uld explain it t0 me