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which game do u guys like the most?

my personal favorite to play is mgs2 (i like linear hallways more than open outdoor stealth) but in terms of like. aesthetics and characters im actually kind of a huge peacewalker fan (or rather apologist since ik the gameplay is a bit rough). what abt u guys?

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Reply by Neocaridinia


Remember when that hoax went around about the dating sim for the Nintendo DS? That one. That's my fave

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Reply by xXphantomXx


I've only played a bit of mgs1 and I liked it but I got stuck at Sniper Wolf cus I didn't feel like going back to get that stupid gun.

I love the setting of phantom pain. And also. Venom <3

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Reply by Teddy


I haven’t played any of them personally (although i really want to XP) but I watched a playthrough of mgs1 when i was first getting into metal gear and fell in love with it, i really enjoy just everything about it and it holds a special place in my heart (^_^) 

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