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Local Dallas goth/punk stores

Hello, I live in the surrounding DFW area and would like to know where some local goth or punk shops are. I currently diy a lot of my clothes/jewelry but sometimes I get a little lazy and just want to buy stuff. Are there any good places to buy goth or punk stuff locally?? (I'm assuming ya'll know I don't mean hot topic lmao)

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Reply by Grace/Grayson


I'm pretty young so I haven't been around enough to find more punk/goth shops however I do know of a record shop called Born Late Records that I went to once and they had a pretty good selection of alternative music. They're located like 10 or so minutes from Doc's!

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Reply by nekoneato


Omg I'd luv to kno about more alt stores in our area, the only one I rly know of though is kinda Doc's Records, if u haven't been it's a pretty cool place, they of course sell p much all formats of music but ppl rent these booths 2 sell their stuff in and they all have different themes to them and it's pretty cool, there's clothes and some really cool vintage stuff, i havent been in years tho

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