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how do you find your style

honestly i always wanted to actually put effort into the way i dress but it feels oddly difficult to know how to develop a real style i dont know how people do it

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Reply by 🕸sk3llypr!nce🕸


the best way you can figure out what your style is, is by trying out different ones to see what fits you. But don't buy a bunch of stuff from big expensive corporate chains. Instead, thrift, borrow from friends, or buy from small businesses. And you don't have to stick with one style either. Mine changes depending on my mood, but I pretty much stick to alternative subcultures like goth, emo, scene, etc. Hope this helps :).

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Reply by Rose Moon


The aesthetics wiki may be helpful so you can read about different ones and see which might suit you to give you a starting point of things to try. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Aesthetics

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