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Talking about my developing romantic? feelings for someone!!!

Posted by Pluto System


Forum: love Group

Recently I’ve been thinking more and more that I could have romantic feelings for someone in my life, and I’m not sure if I should tell them? Even tho I love them I don’t think this is the right time due to various things going on, so I’m not rlly sure if I should try and talk to them about it or not :/ i don’t want to ruin my friendship with them yknow? 

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Reply by yawnie ☆


(im so sorry for the late response)

if you do really like them, you need to confess your feelings to them. you can remind them and yourself that you both can stay friends even if they reject you, bc its normal to gain feelings for a friend. at one point, you'll feel closer to a person than ever, causing romantic feelings. so go for it, and if they don't like you back, it's okay, you'll eventually find someone who'll like you for what ur worth <3

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