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i see thingz XD [closed]

is it just me or do u guyz just see random sh-t? like, sometimes i'll go skateboard, but it's late as hell and i'll just see random figurez pass the street but when i get to that area, nobody is there and i hear no doors shut. wtf. sum1 explain plz. XP

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Reply by Tir3d.P4p3r


Ok, look. Maybe...you're kinda hallucinating. But not it a bad sense. You said It was late, so it was probably your eyes playing tricks on you, because in the dark, we see things, because that's how our brain works. It makes you see or revognise something, Idk how to explain it. Basically, you see stuff because you can't see well and your brain makes out *things* from those dark shadows/figures that are around you (trees, lamp posts etc). Yk? Because the brain is set up to revognise things, like when you see a face in an outlet or in other things yk? Its kinda a survival tactic. Anyway, yeah, it's common to see stuff in the dark because ur brain makes u see them. Like that saying "What is seen in the shadows is easily misunderstood in the mind of a child." Plus if you didn't sleep and it was late, that's another reason to hallucinate (speaking from experience). 

Or, you have ghosts in the town 

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