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How do you subscribe to a blog

Posted by Sketcch


Forum: SpaceHey

I’ve noticed there is a spot in the home page that says subscribed blogs and I’ve tried looking for a button that would let you subscribe to a blog but haven’t found one, I am greatly confused.

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Reply by Owlcyclops


well sorry in advanced if you have already figured out how to subscribe to blogs but here is how. Step 1, you click on the [view blog] in the "{name of profile here} latest blog posts" on the top of the profile of the person you want to subscribe to the blog too. Step 2, you should see a [Subscribe to Blog] under the title of the blog at the top so just click on that. 

and that should be that. you might want to look for Profiles in the Browse to look for people you might want to read the blogs of your look through the forums to look for people who may used the website or have interests you like.

hope this helps.

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Reply by Sketcch


Thank you, it did help!1!!1

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