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Any recommendation in books that have the same vibe as Fallen by Lauren Kate?

When I first put hands on the book Fallen, I didn't really like the author's writing and way of telling a story. Over time, I learned to enjoy reading and grew really fond of the saga. I read Fallen before even buying the Twilight books. I also read the Beautiful Creatures by K. Garcia and M. Stohi. I really really liked the vibe and the writing of both. But I was just wondering if there is any more of this type of books.

I am really fond of the romance genre. I really like this kind of paranormal supernatural romance, with angels, ghosts, witches and so on. Do you guys know any books like this?

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Reply by Bugaboo!


oh my god I loved Fallen! the whole series was amazing. if you like the fallen angel trope, Hush, Hush (by Becca Fitzpatrick) was another amazing series. I really enjoyed it!

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