I've been listening to one of the band's songs for awhile called "D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L" but I didn't really dive into it all that much until recently and it's just a really good band that plays shoegaze. Some of my favorite songs are the previously mentioned deathmetal, Kicking Cars, Laputa, and Stabilizers for big boys. The formation of the band itself is actually quite interesting too and I found it kind of fun reading about it and all. Overall I think it's a band that should reach more people! I'm actually going to see them in May when they have their US tour and it's gonna be hella fun!
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13 Replies
Reply by isa !!
Reply by Alex W
I’M SEEING THEM LIVE IN NOVEMBER !!! i acc can’t wait, they’re one of my favourite groups rn especially their new album
Reply by mel くコ:彡
Their new music is very good. The album they released this year is so good, and if you haven’t yet, listen to Until I Know from their recent album!
Reply by bl4ckcat
Reply by psychwward
I FRICKING LOVE PANCHIKO, all they wanted is such a good song, too bad is so short :C
Reply by Synova
Reply by Profoundemonium
Reply by RK
Reply by nicolewebdiary
Reply by jakey
Reply by frogielf
just saw them in concert a few months ago with wisp and weatherday! love them.. went to the LA show, so i didn't get to see them in person, but my friends who went to a more local show got their autographs/pictures with them
Reply by yofie
Reply by KingOfTheCow