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Misunderstanding jokes as a kid

Posted by Happy_Dark_Relem


Forum: General

What are some jokes you misunderstood as a kid. The "I ate a bowl of nails for breakfest without any milk" from spongebob? I thought he meant like toe and finger nails XD

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Reply by Edgar Allan Hoe


most jokes from the amazing world of gumball, I could barely speak english when I watched it and their fast american accents didnt help a bit

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Reply by Avis


"open seasame" was one id didn't get for the longest time, i thought it was referring to sesame seeds on a bagel or burger buns. 

Well i was with my dad one day, when i was about 10 or 11 and i said it to open an automatic slider door at the grocery store. I started to say it slowly, until I realized it's just "open says me" really fast.  that realization made me feel smart for the next few days.  

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