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What do you think happened between Bratty and Catty?

Posted by daze


Forum: Deltarune Group

as you all probably know, bratty and catty seem to have beef w each other in deltarune

i have no clue what it could be tbh, but i found this reddit post speculating that bratty ate catty's dad's arm (pic from the post mentioned above by u/Dak_N_Jaxter)

that'd be quite gruesome, so i don't think it's real. i guess we'll find out in future chapters!!

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Reply by Riri


I think she wouldve said if she bit her arm off, i think we might learn from catti because she talks about how much she hates her family ALOT

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I just assumed this took place before they became friends. I can't remember why I thought this though.

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Reply by Romdon


Nothing,, they are just in this constant need to be better than the other LOL. They talk about some of their "fights" and it's always something stupid XD

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