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Sims 4 CC

Posted by saoirse


Forum: Games

looking for suggestions for CC. preferably alternative style clothing/makeup/accessories/hair and decor. also preferably on The Sims Resource :))

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Reply by ppgurl420(Сюммер)


okokkokk its been rlly hard finding alt clothes but ill link you what i can. I dont know what ur style is but I mostly look through pinterest, TheSimsResource made a board with alt clothes and there are probably other related boards w more stuff

This creator does a lot of good alt stuff, and shes on a few different platforms so ill just link them all, i really like her hair and makeup 




another creator w cute clothes


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Reply by saoirse


@ppgurl420 omg thanks that's so helpful! i already follow MaruChanBe on TS4!! They have a lot o cool stuff. Thx for the board link! I save a lot of CC on Pinterest

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