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RP Character Creation [pinned]

Tell us about the character(s) you will be roleplaying as! If you are having trouble, use this template.

Also, keep in mind that these characters won't be interacting with the cast of the show at all. Significant things can still happen to them, but obviously don't have an OC that is related to Joel and their whole arc is trying to find Joel.




Role (Military, Firefly (or rebel group), civillian (in the qz obviously, if so like blacksmith, messanger etc...), Loner (Scavenger, Hunter-Gatherer, etc etc...), Hunter, other roles...:

Life pre-Outbreak:

Life post-Outbreak(What have they been doing for the past 20 years?):

Life RIGHT NOW (What kind of arc would you like your character to have):


What do they value?:


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