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Sims 2

Posted by Zackary


Forum: Games

Does anyone still play The Sims 2?

I enjoy it more than sims 3 and 4

tho I did grow up with the sims 3

I also think the style of The Sims 2 is much better looking, its cooler and not super blobby looking
The only thing I didn't like was the fact the body type scale was not a thing lol

Also, the school part in The Sims 2 is so much more fun than the newer school in The Sims 4 IMO 

Does anyone feel the same way or have their own opinions of any of the sims games? 

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Reply by poppyp


yesyesyesyeyseyesyesyesyeys!!!! me!!!
I love the sims 2 its my favorite in the series.
I personally feel the graphics are MUCH better looking than 3 or 4.

sims 3 is just flat out ugly. Its all blobby and pudding-y. everything looks like it's made of playdough. not to mention the introduction of microtransactions. and the sad fact that the microtransactions dont go away even when the servers they were hosted on has shut down. that's how baked into the game they were. and they clutter every single menu. its hideous. sims 3, graphically, cannot be saved. between constant spamming to buy a deprecated currency and the pudding faces that cannot be fixed no matter how many mods you use, you're better off play sims 1 than even bothering with 3.

sims 4 is cartoon-y to a fault. it has a good cas menu for making sims, but otherwise, it doesn't have much to offer, especially not graphically. sims 4 REQUIRES mods for me to take it even somewhat seriously. the 2014 fashion is dated, and for some weird reason the new cas items they make still are stuck in the trends of 2014 despite i having been 9 years since then. the only way to make sims 4 bareable is with a full mods folder and reshade. ( speaking of which beware Gshade and other closed source shaders mods for any game. there was recently a finding of malware in Gshade )

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