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How Long Have Catboys Existed?

I always thought of Catboys in modern society, but what if they've existed way back when?

I think it's funny to think of Catboys wearing corsets and fancy dresses or plain dresses, though Catboys would be royalty in every situation. If not dresses and whatnot, then military armor, because what the men wore back then...

Best not to talk about that.

Anyways, I think Catboys would be hellions on the battlefield. This is just a personal opinion because CAT.

So, thoughts and opinions?

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Reply by beebo


i think in the very beginning before there was anything there were catboys. and that the stars we see at night arent actually gas or whatever but r instead catboys watching over us nd sending us good vibes. and that real catboys will remain in the corners of the universe until the inevitable heat death of the universe, safe and hidden 

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Reply by AFemboyProtogen


Ancient Egypt had catboy gods

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