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πŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸ’πŸŒ»*Spring Projects*🧢🌺🌹πŸ₯€πŸ’πŸŒ»

Posted by Hoonah


Forum: Crochet and Knitting Group

What is a current WIP you're working on? Or have you started working on anything for spring? Is it for yourself or for someone else? 🫰🏻

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Reply by Neri


im working on a maxi skirt and a green utility dress. i hope i find the buttons for the utility dress before i finish it, im a little picky about it^^"

very excited about the skirt though, can you believe we can just make things we want?? what a wonder :3

i also technically have a fish scarf wip, but its not a serious commitment. it'll be cute when its finished though

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