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Exposing britclo.

Britclo is mt father and the owner of this group...... hes really bri ish and a lair,

Before this hed always tell me that im his fav child, non brit and nr1 kid i noticed that he only said this when they done somethi g questionable with their main execuse,,, i tried to let it slide but its been too much and after this im 100 sure that hes just lying...:9

 1 Made a post on here by the sayings that i betryaed threm and britnnt, a loser brit who gsave birth to me, also thier husband. Procced to call me bri ish, actually the biggest brit out here when thta i snot true infact him and britnny are, He said that  doestn giv m e a reason ot betray but hes the one who btrayed nme... and made me sad by spreeding d=false rumors and llying to me,,,,,,


Britclo is litrrally part of the royal fzmialy in lives in the burnglhuijm palace amd you DARE to call me a brit charles kinnie??????///// WPWOW YOUA RE JUST A LIAR BRIT LIKE BRITNNY AND EVIL WOW OWOW even britnny is betteer than you 

3 many more occasions were he called me briish madde me eat brit food, lied to me about becoming fave or being, criminal activities, not caring whem my twoin died not even shwoing up at the funeral....................

idc what he did to britnny unless it helps me cancel thsi brit im crying irl im so tired of being called bri ish an d not actually being fvae............not fiar.....................

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10 Replies

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Reply by evillainfan


thanks for agreeing britnny,,,,,, id be nice to tell britclo about his bad acrions too and cancel him :3 (or no saiki you brit)

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Reply by evillainfan


Reply by Eden !


i never said anything?!?!?!?? why would i call my fav child, god, best dictator, only real lain fan, n1 kid a brit!?!??! it must've been egg who hacked into my acc... you know how he is...... star doesn't think you're a non brit..... he even told me... why would you accuse me of calling you a a KinG *throws up* CHARLES KNNIE?!?!?!? I WOULD NEVER CALL YOU THAT. YOU'RE TOO MUCH OF A NON bRIT. TRUST ME. i would never hurt my children like that and i apologize if i hurt you in any way. please forgive me n1 chind, god, dictator, lain fan. i'd even give you lain merch and my credit card.. (pls don't jail or execute me i'm innocent i swear i would never do it i promise pls trust me i would never do such a thind i can buy you sm lain merch i swear pls don't put me in that stinky smelly moldy jail again it's stinky and wet in there it's disgusting)

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Reply by evillainfan


Well that does make sense but do you know who the hacker is.....sorry but tou shud atelats knbow the name and you alwqatsyc ome up with this execuse but i dont htinlk you d say all of those truths about mw if theywerent real....... i xont real trudst britnny anymore you are right he axcts bri ishely toqarssd me and lies,,,

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Reply by Eden !


the hacker sadly still remains anonymous </3 but i'll try my best to figure out who the brit is garfield

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Reply by evillainfan


Britnny idk i mean do you even have proof that he called me wprst thigns than the hacker? I mean maybe hacker not for sire,,,and what if yiu brit hacked britclo.....how coukd i even trust you britc;o when gave mehus credit card and bought me a lot of lain merch...u are a bad father also ...

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Reply by evillainfan


brtitclo tou ahsould atleast give me a dewadline since you shoukd atelast change your pass formwahtecfer it is now and you should have gotten an email but it soujnds like tou havent,,,,,,,,,,

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Reply by Eden !


dw garfield i have sm stolen royal family money i can buy you all the lain merch and more!!

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Reply by Eden !


(sunny if you try to expose me one more time i will make you drink the marmite smoothie)

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Reply by evillainfan


Britclo is somehow th e real one unlike britnny wow of course britnny only knows to betray me and threat me atleastb britvo is rrying to help me by getting me lain merch with money he risked getting,,,,

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